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Homeopathy Treatment of Back Pain Online-Homeopathy Medicine for Back Pain

Here we shall discuss about homeopathy treatment of Back Pain online and what is the homeopathy medicine of Back Pain.

In homeopathy treatment there are some excellent medicine for Back Pain but before the homeopathy treatment of Back Pain online you will have to know the cause of Back Pain and what homeopathy says about Back Pain.

Back Pain


Back pain is a symptom of a medical condition, and not a diagnosis. It is ache, pain, tension that affects the muscles or bones of the back from the base of the neck to the hips.

Low Backache (also called as ‘Lumbago‘) ranks at top for being the most common reason of backache. It is a leading contributor to missed work. It is because the lower part of the back bears the weight of your upper body and the weight you are carrying. It also twists and bends more than the upper back.

Sciatica is a common type of pain affecting the nerve, usually affects only one side of the lower body. Sciatic nerve is a large nerve extending from the lower back down the back of each leg and its affection is quite a common cause for backache.

If you are an adult aged between 35 and 55 years, you are more prone to suffer from backache due to the aging process.

Today’s modern lifestyles with too little or too much exercise, sedentary work life are dominant contributors for backache.

Most of the time the cause of backache is physical, but you should be aware that emotional stress can affect the severity of the pain. Stress causes the back muscles to become tense and painful.

Acute or short-term backache usually lasts from a few days to a few weeks. Most acute backache is mechanical in nature, the result of trauma to the lower back or arthritis.

Chronic backache means frequent or daily pain which can interfere with your life. It can limit your activities and ability to work. It is often progressive and usually the cause is difficult to determine.

Pregnant females also suffer from low backache since the ligaments in the body naturally become softer and stretch to prepare for labour. This can put a strain on the joints of lower back and pelvis.

Children and teenagers also suffer from low backache these days due to the number of hours per week they spend in front of the TV or doing computer work, sitting posture, slouching or low levels of physical activity results in decreased muscle endurance.



  • Persistent pain and stiffness anywhere from your base of neck to the tail bone.
  • Shooting, stabbing pain
  • Chronic backache after sitting or standing for long hours
  • Backache that radiates from the low back to the buttock, down the back of the thigh, and into the calf and toes
  • Difficult to stand straight without having pain or muscle spasms in the lower back


If your back pain has lasted for few days and is not improving, it can lead to:

  • Disability
  • Slipped disc
  • Depression
  • Weight gain

Any prolonged pain, burning, tingling, numbness, loss of bowel or urine function should always be considered seriously.


Symptoms are the language in which the disturbing forces, which we know as diseases, speak to us. Homeopathic doctor takes into account these symptoms of backache and administers a remedy which will remove the symptoms and thereby relieving your agonizing pain.

The action of homeopathic remedies is essentially gentle, unlike conventional medicines which possess many side-effects and are palliative.

The working of a homeopathic remedy is like the working of nature itself, it relieves the patient from the sufferings and helps the return to health in treatment for back pain.

Homeopathic treatment for back pain induces the healing force to bring about a healthy and natural long lasting relief to the individual.


80% of people will have significant back pain at some point of their life.

National Institute of Health Statistics survey indicated that low back pain was the most common types of pain followed by severe headache or migraine pain, neck pain, and facial pain.

Back pain is the fifth leading cause to visit a doctor.

Acute or sudden backache can be result of

  • accidents
  • muscle strains
  • sports injuries
  • Arthritis

50% of the patients with acute backache are better in 1 week; 90% get better within 8 weeks.

7% of acute low back pain progresses to chronic backache.

Chronic backache can be due to:

  • Mechanical cause
  • Injury
  • Systemic disease
  • Infection

Low back pain is most common in pregnant women. The otherwise stable joints in the pelvis loosen up in order to allow easier passage of the baby during delivery. The lower back curves more than usual to accommodate the growing uterus. This causes strain, soreness, stiffness and pain in lower back.

You can prevent or lessen backache by adopting healthy lifestyle and proper body mechanics. These will keep your back functional for long time. Surgery is rarely needed to treat back pain.

The conservative power of homeopathic medicines can spare many cases from surgical procedures.


 Upper and Middle Backache
COMMON SYMPTOMS OF BACK PAIN  A dull, burning, or sharp pain.Muscle tightness or stiffness.Pain when you take a deep breath, cough or sneeze.Pain when your back is touched or when you move.Pain when you move your shoulders or bend your neck forward.  
SERIOUS SYMPTOMS OF BACK PAINWeakness in your arms or legs.Numbness or tingling in your arms, legs, chest, or belly.Loss of bladder/bowel control

The causes of lower backache may vary but most often they share the same symptoms of backache. They are:       

  • Persistent pain and stiffness anywhere from your base of neck to the tail bone.
  • Sudden Shooting, stabbing pain
  • The pain may be mild, or it can be so severe that you are unable to move.
  • Chronic backache after sitting or standing for long hours
  • Backache that radiates from the low back to the buttock, down the back of the thigh, and into the calves and toes.
  • Difficulty to stand straight without having pain or muscle spasms in the lower back


90 % causes of Back pain are due to Mechanical problems. They are problems associated with the spinal column or surrounding muscles that may make you more susceptible to back pain. These include conditions such as:

Strain is the most common factor in causes of backache that can occur due to:

  • Injury of ligaments or muscles attaching to the vertebrae.
  • a twisting motion
  • poor posture
  • Carrying objects, throwing, bending or twisting improperly.
  • Vigorous coughing or sneezing.

Structural problems

Ruptured or Bulging discs

When the disc ruptures/tears or bulges/ gets herniated, it can put more pressure on the nerves producing backache.


Joints in the hips, lower back are affected.In some cases spinal stenosis can develop or the space around the spinal cord narrows.


An abnormal curve in the spine that may develop during the adolescent growth period where there is usually an imbalance of the muscles of Upper back. This is one of the significant causes of backache.


The vertebrae of the spine become brittle and porous increasing risk of compression fracture.


Sway back: excessive inward curvature of the spine.


Hunchback: excessive outward curvature of the spine.

These are important causes of backache.


  • Bad mattress– a mattress that does not support the back properly and doesn’t keep the spine straight can cause backache.
  • Pregnancy: Pregnant females suffer from low backache since the ligaments in the body naturally become softer and stretch to prepare for labour. This puts a strain on the joints of lower back and pelvis.
  • Sitting in a hunched position for long periods(e.g. when driving)
  • Long driving sessions without a break
  • Smokers have higher prevalence of low-backache compared with nonsmokers
  • Untreated depression and anxiety can make back pain feel much worse.
  • Lack of sleep


  • Cauda equina syndrome
  • Cancer of spine
  • Infection of spine
  • Ankylosing Spondylitis
  • Spondylolisthesis
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Reiter’s syndrome
  • Paget’s disease


  • Limited mobility due to severe muscle spasms and pain which can cause missed days at work.
  • Sleep disturbances due to constant pain.
  • Depression: Due to less mobility, it can affect your social and work life.
  • Weight gain: Backache causes a loss of activity and restricts movement leading to weight gain and obesity.

Visit your doctor immediately, if you have following “Red flags” symptoms:

  • Backache with chest pain
  • Being unable to move a part of the body
  • Severe backache with weakness, tingling, or numbness in the arms or legs
  • Difficulty in controlling urine
  • Loss of bowel control
  • Backache with fever
  • Chronic back pain that has increased suddenly
  • Pain wakes you up from sleep


Back Pain Homeopathic Treatment

Homeopathy is a science which is able to treat the symptoms of backache without obscuring them takes them as a guide and remove the severe pain, stiffness, and muscle spasms thereby relieving the patient.

Homeopathic treatment for back pain helps by:

  • Strengthening the muscles of back and controlling the pain
  • Making bones stronger
  • Reducing the intensity and progress of the disease

Most importantly, homeopathic treatment for back pain can prevent you from the complications that could follow the disease.

Homeopathic treatment for backache has more than 50 remedies to control the backache, some of them include:


What to do if you suffer from sudden back pain?

  • Rest: Short-term bed rest is required when in severe back pain and muscle spasms. Bed rest for more than 48 hours is rarely recommended.
  • Applying ice or heat directly to the area of low back pain can help to decrease inflammation, and ease your discomfort.
  • Exercise is important for you with back pain to maintain mobility. Exercise also releases endorphins- the body’s natural painkillers. Stretching exercises must be done under guidance of healthcare professional.


  • If your job requires sitting for long hours, sit only for short period, taking breaks in between.
  • Place a supportive towel roll at the belt line of your back when sitting in a car.
  • Avoid bending forward at the waist.
  • Sleep on a firm surface.
  • Keep your back straight when performing activities like vacuuming, sweeping, etc.
  • Lift heavy loads as a team and not alone.
  • Try sleeping on your side with your knees slightly bent and a comfortable pillow placed between the knees, this helps to avoid exerting the back.


  • Don’t lift heavy load by bending your back. Your feet should be wide apart, head and back straight. Keep the abdominal muscles tight and then load in close.
  • Don’t lift and twist in one motion.
  • Do not place your legs straight out in front of you while sitting.
  • Do not sleep on your stomach.
  • Don’t slouch when sitting.
  • Don’t sit for long period of time.
  • Don’t use a work surface that is too low or too high, which can put strain on your back and shoulders respectively.
  • Don’t sleep on too-soft mattress, even it feels comfortable.
  • Don’t stay in bed for too long.
  • Don’t smoke or use tobacco


Nutrient                                            Action in body                  Food Sources

CalciumMaintain the normal level of bone mass, helps prevent development of osteoporosis.Almonds, sesame seeds, kale, turnip greens, white beans, black-eyed peas and oranges.
Vitamin CReduces inflammatory process. Extremely important for healing problems caused by injured tendons, ligaments and vertebral discs, keep the bones and other tissues strong.Citrus fruits, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, tomatoes, green peppers, melons, kiwis, strawberries, alfalfa sprouts and the skins of potatoes.
Vitamin D  Helps improve calcium absorption.  Obtained by spending time in the early morning sunlight. Naturally occurring in egg yolks and fish oils; also found in most brands of fortified milk.
IronAids in the production of myoglobin, an important element of healthy muscles that are needed to support the spine.liver, pork, fish, shellfish, red meat and poultry; lentils, beans, soy, eggs, grains, and green leafy vegetables such as spinach, kale and broccoli.
MagnesiumHelps in relaxing and contracting of muscles.Whole grains and whole-grain breads, beans, seeds, nuts, potatoes, avocados, bananas, kiwi fruit, and green leafy vegetables such as spinach, kale and broccoli.

Avoid eating following foods since they are known to increase inflammation and pain:

  • Red meat
  • White bread, white pasta, white rice
  • Whole-fat dairy products
  • Sugary drinks and snacks
  • Fried foods, chips, crackers, pastries
  • Caffeine, alcohol


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