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Homeopathy Treatment of Benign Enlargement Of Prostate Online-Homeopathy Medicine for Benign Enlargement Of Prostate

Here we shall discuss about homeopathy treatment of Benign Enlargement Of Prostate  online and what is the homeopathy medicine of Benign Enlargement Of Prostate .

In homeopathy treatment there are some excellent medicine for Benign Enlargement Of Prostate  but before the homeopathy treatment of Benign Enlargement Of Prostate  online you will have to know the cause of Benign Enlargement Of Prostate  and what homeopathy says about Benign Enlargement Of Prostate .

  • Benign Enlargement Of Prostate (BEP)


BEP is a non-cancerous overgrowth of a part of prostate gland in males. This growth in turn compresses the urethra at the bladder neck and thus interferes with flow of urine from the bladder.

It is a commonly occurring condition and although the exact cause is not known, it has been linked to altered levels of male hormones.

BEP, to a small extent, begins beyond the age of 40 years and is almost always present in men beyond 80 years. Click to read Causes of Benign Enlargement of Prostate (BEP).

BEP is characterized by symptoms caused by an obstructing overgrowth of the prostate gland, which impedes the flow of urine from the bladder to urethra. Common troubling urinary symptoms consist of hurrying to urinate, difficulty in initiating urination, straining for urination, increased frequency of urination in the night, etc. With Homeopathy, the symptoms of BEP can be controlled and it can put an end to the troubles of the distressed man.



  • Hesitancy or difficulty in starting to urinate
  • Urgency or has to hurry due to great urgency to urinate
  • Sense of incomplete emptying of bladder
  • Having to strain during urination
  • Increased frequency of urination, especially at night
  • The stream of urine is slow, with dribbling of urine at times


Complications of BEP are rooted in the basic phenomenon of obstruction to flow of urine from bladder to the urethra by the benign prostatic growth. Thus following complicated states are commonly seen:

  • Retention of urine: Either acute or chronic, requiring catherization.
  • Infection of urinary tract: Secondary to retention, the stagnated urine can cause recurrent urinary tract infections. Chronic prostatitis and bladder infections are common.
  • Bladder stones: Minerals present in urine, over a period of time due to stagnation can lead to large bladder stone formations.
  • Damaged kidneys: Chronic retention of urine leads to backflow of urine into kidneys, causing recurrent infections and damage to structure of the kidneys.


  • Homeopathy provides applauding results in cases of BEP.
  • Homeopathic Treatment for Benign Enlargement of Prostate (BEP) offers a safer and holistic approach to managing the disease by dealing with the outer expression of BEP as well as by breaking the tendency to the ailment.
  • Homeopathy gently allays the ailments of BEP in an aged male and does not cause any unwanted side effects.


Are you an old man having urinary symptoms, such as not being able hold the urge to urinate?

Do you have to strain for urinating?

Do you wake up frequently in the night for urination?

Then you may probably be suffering from a very common condition called Benign Enlargement of Prostate, or simply put, BEP.

BEP is a very common problem of old aged males and is caused by altered levels of male hormones leading to non-cancerous overgrowth of prostate gland. It is diagnosed by a set of urinary symptoms caused secondarily by overgrowth of prostate gland, obstructing the flow of urine from the bladder to the urethra. BEP can be present symptomatically or asymptomatically, in males after the age of 40 years and is almost always present in males above 80 years.

The great news is that Homeopathy has some wonderful remedies to treat this troublesome condition.


  • Difficulty in initiating the stream of urine
  • Has to hurry to the toilet as there is great urgency to pass urine
  • Sensation of incomplete emptying of bladder after urination
  • Having to strain during urination
  • Increased frequency of urination, especially at night
  • The stream of urine is slow, with dribbling of urine at times

The prostate gland is divided into 4 lobes- Anterior, Posterior, Lateral and Median. Symptoms of Benign Enlargement of Prostate (BEP) can be a result of enlargement of any of these lobes, but the part involved the most is median lobe.


In males the prostate gland which is part of male reproduction system, weighs few grams at birth and gradually increases in volume and size with age.

The cells of the prostate are under the influence and respond to action of hormones. As age advances, hormonal changes make their way into the constitution and modify the growth of prostate. One theory attempting to explain causes of Benign Enlargement of Prostate (BEP) is that as testosterone levels keep reducing and estrogen levels correspondingly increase in males as he ages, the increase in estrogen can trigger prostate enlargement.


Complications of BEP are relegated to secondary obstruction caused by enlarged prostate to the flow of urine from the bladder to the urethra.

  • Retention of urine: Either acute or chronic retention of urine occurs due to the obstruction caused by the enlarged prostate at the neck of the bladder. Catherization is required most of the times to relieve the obstruction.
  • Infection of urinary tract: Secondary to retention of urine, various disease-causing microorganisms present in stagnated urine can cause recurrent urinary tract infections. Chronic inflammation of prostate cause prostatitis and bladder infections leading to blood in the urine.
  • Bladder stones: Various minerals are present in the urine, which over a period of time, due to stagnation of urine, get aggregated to form large bladder stones.
  • Damaged kidneys: Chronic retention of urine leads to backflow of urine into the kidneys, causing recurrent infections and damage to their structure.


  • Homeopathy is an extremely safe and effective means of treatment for BEP.
  • Homeopathic treatment for Benign Enlargement of Prostate (BEP) offers a holistic approach to the treatment of the disease. Other treatments concentrate only on removing the symptoms owing to BEP unlike Homeopathy which treats from the very foundation of the condition.
  • Homeopathic treatment for Benign Enlargement of Prostate (BEP) is a much safer and better mode of treatment for old aged people without any kind of unwanted side effects.
  • Different presentations of individuals with BEP are treated with different homeopathic medicines depending on which one matches the most.



  • Urinate at regular intervals of 3-4 hours to avoid the embarrassment of hurrying frequently for urination.
  • Limit your fluid intake especially in the evening and night time to decrease the frequency of urination in night.
  • Use double voiding technique which involves trying to urinate again after finishing urination.
  • Moderate amount of daily exercise for keeping body weight under control will help control the symptoms of BEP.


  • Avoid intake of medicines like decongestants and anti-histamines which aggravate the symptoms of BEP. If unavoidable, they need to be taken under strict advice of a medically qualified doctor.
  • Avoid exposure to excessively cold environment that can aggravate the symptoms of BEP.


  • There is no particular diet that needs to be followed in cases of BEP.
  • Have proper balanced diet with more of fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, fish and other foods rich in antioxidants and omega 3 fatty acids.
  • Reduce intake of beverages like alcohol and caffeine-rich drinks.
  • Reduce salt intake in your diet.

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